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So that is how you fix the unhandled exception error in Windows 10. Once you find it, uninstall it from your PC or install the latest version of it.
Repeat this process to find out the program causing this error. And if you still see the error, then the problematic app is definitely among the ones that you have enabled. Suppose you don’t face the same error again then one of the applications that you just disabled is the culprit behind the error. Then click OK and perform a system restart. You will see a list of all those applications that startup when you turn on your PC. Then go to the startup tab and click on Open Task Manager. Check the box for Hide all Microsoft services. Then go to System configuration and choose the Services tab. Type msconfig here and hit the Enter key. Press Windows key + R, and it will open up the Run dialog box. Perform a clean boot and find the culprit application: If none of the methods mentioned above worked for you, then move on to the final possible solution discussed below. Now check if the unhandled exception error is fixed or not. After this reinstallation is complete, restart your PC. NET framework update is missing and you will get an update that will install the program automatically. Then click on Windows Update in the left pane, and it will automatically check for new updates.
Then click on the “Updates & Security” option. Press the Windows Key + I, and it will open up Windows Settings. NET framework in this list and select the Uninstall option. Then click on Programs and features, and it will bring up a list of all applications installed on your computer.
Click on the Windows Search bar icon and look for Control Panel.